Guided tour of Cordoba and the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba

Regular guide visit to the Mosque of Cordoba and the Jewish Quarter.
- Official Guide +
- Tickets +
- Headphones
Daily walking tour visiting the most important monuments in Cordoba in about three and a half hours time (see details).
The itinerary will start at the Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos, to follow in the Great Mosque - Cathedral of Cordoba, treasure of the Umayyads, where we will be impressed by its columns wood .
Then we will visit the famous Judería or Jewish Quarter.
Visit Tuesday to Saturday: Mosque + Alcázar+Jewish Quarter+ Synagogue
- Price: 50 € per person (VAT included). Childrens: from 10 to 14, 28€; up to 3, free.
- Duration: 3 hours approx.
- Schedule: The visit begins approximately about 10.00 am, at the meeting point.
- Language:English, Spanish and French.
Visit on Sundays: Mosque + Alcázar + Jewish Quarter
- Price: 50 € per person (VAT included). Childrens: from 10 to 14, 28 €; up to 3, free.
- Duration: 3 hours approx.
- Schedule: The visit begins approximately about 10.00 am, at the meeting point (*).
- Language: Spanish.
Visit on Monday: Mosque + Jewish Quarter
- Important: El Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos is closed on Mondays and it can't be visited. We will visit Jewish Quarter and Mosque.
In the following form you can choose whether to visit only the Mosque of Córdoba or also add the visit to the Jewish Quarter.
General information of the visit
- Tickets: The visits include entrance fees.
- Guided tour by the Cordoba Official Guides:Accompaniment during the whole visit by an Official Guide of Córdoba
- How to pay: Paying everything in advance, by credit card or bank transfer.
- More information: Telephone: +34 699 34 11 42.
Observations to consider
- Observations to consider
- If there were the possibility of a group in a single language, in some occasions the visit could take place in two languages.
- Access to the Mosque-Cathedral will only be allowed visitors dressed decently.